Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to obtain better physical and mental outcomes - that starts with 4 Pillars of Health.

Course curriculum

    1. Sleep - The Importance of Sleep and Common Sleep Issues.

    2. Sleep Protocols

    3. Hot and Cold Therapy

    4. Yoga for Sleep

    5. Resonant Coherent Breathing for Sleep

    1. You Are What You Eat

    2. The Three Constitutions (Doshas)

    3. Eating For Your Dosha

    4. Supporting Your Digestion & Elimination With Spices

    1. Working With The Mind

    2. The Benefits of Mindfulness Practice on Changing Brain States

    3. Gratitude Practice

    1. Next Steps on your way to health

    1. Purposeful Mornings - Yoga Practice to Support Your Day

    2. Building Strength Practice - Yoga Practice to Build Strength

About this course

  • $49.95
  • 25 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

During this program you will...

  • Begin to feel vibrant, healthy, and sleep well.

  • Access greater connection to your deeper self.

  • Learn ancient practices to empower your own health.

Your Investment

You Are What You Eat!

Learn Your Constitution (Dosha)

One of the key parts of this course for pillars 2 & 3 are learning more about your dosha and simple changes you can make to support your body type.
The Three Doshas

Your Instructor

Deborah Carruthers

Deborah offers her life's work with authenticity, compassion and lived experience. With a graduate degree in Psychology, she brings the skills to meet people where they are at, to develop and meet goals and transitions in life. For the last fourteen years, she has studied and taught yoga and travelled to India to connect with the deep wisdom embedded in the philosophy of the ancients.